Counter Strike version 666

My favorite game is Counter Strike . I love everything about it .
My computer had a shitty Windows XP operating system, and I decided I should upgrade . I downloaded operating system of the Interweb , and it upgraded to Windows 98 . I was happy because I upgraded , but my feelings of happiness were soon changed by feelings of disappointment , because the game uninstalled .
I had to install is once again . I went on Internet Explorer and searched for CS version 1.6 .
Once I did , however , I saw it . A game that would change my life . It was called 'Counter Strike version 666'. I thought it would be cool . Just if I knew how scary would become , I would have thought twice .
I installed it , and started it up . It played normal at beginning , I had fun . But then , a new round started . I had a sniper , and when I saw a opponent , I fired a amazing noscope .
I shot him and hyper realistic blood splattered all over the place . Blood looked exceptionally realistic, and there was gore and guts . This was quite weird , considering that in the normal game , nothing was as gory .
But then , a scream occurred . I jumped and fell down on the floor . I decided to continue . More realistic blood was splattered everywhere when the weirdest thing yet happened . My opponent dodged every single bullet I fired at him , almost as if it was controlled by another player . My opponent did so , and then he punched me in the stomach . I was like : 'What the fuck '?
He punched me , and pulled me up by my neck . The other played said : 'You see what happens when you kill us '? He then pulled my heart out . The guy I was controlling fell pale ,and my opponent decapitated him with a knife . He then threw his mutilated head on the floor . I was crying my eyes out , but when he pulled the heart out of guy I was controlling , I felt my heart warming and bursting out of my chest .
I then looked at the computer screen . I saw my opponent ........ holding my heart ..........
He said : 'How does it feel being killed '?